Here's how you can install Hello Bar on your Webflow website.

1) Locate your Subscribers script in your Subscribers account dashboard under Settings> Install> Scroll down under "Manual Installation"

2) On your Webflow dashboard, click on the "W" at the top left

3) Select "Project Settings".

4) Navigate to "Custom Code".

5) Scroll down under "Footer code" and paste your Subscribers script.

6) Finally hit "Save" and then publish the new update.


Once the installation is all set, you can then go to your account dashboard and under settings> Install Code, scroll down, to see the button to verify.
kindly please log into your account dashboard and scroll down to the bottom left menu under Code install>from there you scroll all the way down to see the "Verify Installation.Please note that it may recognize some errors but if you're certain that you have followed all the installation steps then you may go ahead and click on the override verification. 

Click that and you're finally ready to roll. Your users will see the "Subscribe" prompt. You can go to your Dashboard's settings>Prompt settings page to enable and further customize your opt-in prompt.