With the addition of custom event-based notifications, Subscribers has taken push notifications to a whole new level. With Subscribers' Custom Event-Based Web Push Notifications, you can now send specific, personalized, and automated push notifications triggered by a whole variety of "events" of your choosing. Our team developed and launched this feature to help you tailor your push notification campaigns and achieve much better conversion rates compared to typical web push notifications, since now you can customize your push notifications based on very specific user behaviors and actions. 

How Custom Event-Based Push Notifications Work

Subscribers' custom event-based notifications operate by triggering messages based on predefined actions that users take on your website. These actions, known as custom events, can be tailored to fit the unique behaviors you want to track. 

The beauty of this feature lies in its flexibility and precision. Businesses can define their own custom events, set the conditions under which notifications should be triggered, and craft specific messages for those events.

For example, let’s say you run an e-commerce website and you want to send notifications to users who add items to their wishlist but don’t proceed to checkout within 24 hours. With custom event-based notifications, you can set up an event that tracks when a user adds items to their wishlist and schedule a reminder notification to be sent if they haven’t completed their purchase. 

Here’s how these custom event-based based push notification work:

  1. First, Define Your Custom Events: You as a subscribers user establishes key actions on your website that you want to track. These could include things like account creation, product page visits, cart additions, form submissions, or specific button clicks.
  2. Next, Set Your Trigger Conditions: You now need to establish the conditions under which a notification should be sent. For example, you may want to send a push notification if a user adds an item to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase within a certain time frame.
  3. Now, Craft Personalized and Relevant Messages Based On Those Events: It's now time to write the specific message/s that will be sent to users when the custom event is triggered. .
  4. Determine When You Want The Notifications To Be Sent: Once the conditions are met, the notification can be delivered instantly to the user, driving them back to your website to take action. You can also delay the sending of the push notification. For example, you may want to send the push notification a day or a week after the event.
  5. Be Sure To Include The Action You Want The User To Take: Finally, define the action that you want your user or visitor to take. This is most commonly done by including the url that you want included as the link in your web push notifications. For example, if you want somebody to complete a process, send them to that step in the process. If you want them to complete their cart, send them to their cart, etc.

How To Create A Custom Event-Based Web Push Notification From Your Dashboard

Like all features in Subscribers, this event-based web push notification feature is easy to launch and optimize. And once it's up and running, you can let it run and automatically send visitors back to your website or app more often.

Here are the essentials you need to know to get started in setting up your own custom event-based based push notification:

What is an Event?

An event is any action on your website performed by your visitors which can be tracked. There can be hundreds of events on your site based on your business and use cases.

For an e-commerce platform Product Viewed, Added to Cart, Checkout Started, Checkout Completed can be considered as events, while for a video sharing platform Video Loaded, Video Viewed, Video Paused can be considered as events.

For better engagement with your visitors, you need to engage them contextually, so that the visitor doesn't feel bombarded with irrelevant messages. That's where event-triggered push notifications come in handy.

How to define and track an Event

Your Subscribers dashboard now contains an "Event Management" screen under the Settings section. There you can define the events you are going to use to trigger a notification.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 2.09.23 PM.png

Once you've added an event, you'll notice a small code snippet against the event-- that's what you need to fire when the customer performs that event on your site.

There are multiple ways to add the snippet. If you already have a GTM DataLayer tracking for events, you can simply create new trigger and tags to fire subscriber's events. Or your developer would be able to add is fairly easily and quickly. (Our team might even be able to help you, if required).

Note that you can deactivate an event if there is a need, and Subscribers would stop processing that event.

Within an event there are event attributes which are used to further personalize your notification content. You can send visitor specific information in these event attributes.

subscribersApp.trackEvent('added_to_cart',{ "id": "123456", "name": "White linen shirt - XL", "price": "199.96", "url": "https://www.yoursite.com/products/123456"

How to create a triggered notification

Now that you are up and running with your event tracking, it's time to use the event to trigger a notification.

In your dashboard click on New Notification and select Event Triggered notification type. You would see a simple form where you need to name your campaign, select the event you want to use to trigger this campaign and fill in the title, message, target URL, image etc. and start the campaign. Within Title, description and URL field you can use any of the defined attributes.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 2.24.32 PM.png

That's all. Now whenever a subscriber on your site performs the event, they would receive this notification.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 2.27.04 PM.png

Event Management and Trigger Notification Creation

Event based web push notifications available in the Subscribers app

That's all there is to it. Your push notification is now ready to be sent out automatically based on the parameters you've selected and the user action you defined to trigger it.